Thursday, November 19, 2015

Emojis...truly a caveman language.

A dusted off bookshelves classic rant...

So, we text, we email, we never speak on the phone anymore and if we are lucky we get words spelled out the way good old Webster's said they should be spelled.  That's why we were tortured all through primary school with spelling tests, right?  To learn to spell...then came text speak.  And now?  The dreadful emoji's.  

Yes, I am as guilty as anyone else 😈.  But I think some people...and I'm not about to start naming names like to hide behind the emoji.  You see, just like the hand written letter, a certain part of communication became lost as we began using these stranger types of written languages.  There is no inflection in writing, meaning you can't get emotion from the raise of a voice, the pitch of a voice changing, or a facial expression.  Sure, turn on all caps and suddenly it is assumed one is yelling, but that is about it. Studying a face, listening to the sound of a voice...those things can give so very much the act of communicating with someone and are just as important, and maybe arguably more important as the words one is saying.  Over the phone, you loose the facial expressions.  Over paper, written technology, you loose facial expressions and the sound of the voice.  Use emoji's and then everything is hidden behind a cutesy little cartoon character that I truly believe was developed to help define and bring emotion back into texting, but really it's just a cutesy little cartoon character that a thousand different meanings can be read into it.  Pick a happy face when you are crying, a pissed face when you really aren't.  In person, it gets more difficult to fake those things. Useless. Cartoon. Characters. 👍

Hey, here's an idea, stick to FaceTime or Skype.  Who gives a flying f*&@ what you look like, at least it is 9 times closer to the real thing, even 3000 miles away. 

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